Fazenda do Sertão
£0.03 / Pricing
Francisco Isidro Dias Pereira
Cocoa, praline, low acidity, heavy body, dark roast
Fazenda do Sertão is managed by Nazareth Dias Pereira’s son, Francisco Isidro Dias Pereira (Chico), and the family. Nazareth died in January 2021 and is remembered as the matriarch of the coffee family in this area of Brazil. She was 96 when she died and leaves an important legacy in the farming industry in the region. Sertão was established in 1891 and now has a total of 750 hectares, of which 202 are planted with coffee. The remaining hectares consist of retained native forest, as well as some arable land, and a small amount of pasture for cattle. Sertão has always been an impeccably organised and well-run farm. Over the last few years Chico has been renovating the coffee areas with Red Bourbon seedlings, these sit alongside some coffee trees which are now 100 years old. The farm has Red Bourbon, Yellow Bourbon, Catuaí, and Catucaí planted. We visit Sertão almost every year when we go to Carmo Coffees to taste through the crop samples and make our selections for the year. Carmo Coffee was started by two of Nazareth’s grandchildren, Luiz Paulo Dias Pereira Filho and Jacques Carneiro, to differentiate and export coffee from the family farms. The company now has four sites including their impressive warehouse and dry mill where the coffee is prepared for export. Please see carmocoffees.com.br for more information about Carmo Coffees and photos of the coffee processing.