Finca Altamira
£0.04 / Pricing
Familia Buesaco
Plum, cherry jam, medium acidity, medium body, medium roast
Construction of the new road to Altamira (The Lookout) has now been completed. Turns have been smoothed, gravel has been graded, and car access is now achieved. This has been the most important project at Altamira since the farm was established and we are delighted to have been able to help with it along the way. The family can now access the local market and get their coffee harvest to the bodega easily. Regular readers of the Altamira updates will know how many years this has taken and what the achievement means to the Buesaco family. With the road completed, the family are now looking to redesign their micro beneficio – they will need to invest in processing equipment and extending the fermentation tanks and drying areas. Altamira is a family run farm, and Juan Carlos Buesaco (the youngest of child of the family) is now working with his parents and siblings. His work is entirely focussed on making improvements to the quality of the coffee. By keeping records and meticulous notes, he is gathering the kind of empirical information needed to look for opportunities for improvement. The family receives a lot of feedback about the physical and sensorial quality of their coffee. Correlating this feedback to growing and processing data will help the family improve quality and production on the farm.