Finca Deimar
£0.04 / Pricing
Lucía Mamani & Humberto Vilca
Macadamia, muscovado sugar, citrus acidity, creamy body, light to medium roast
Finca Deimar is a tiny one-hectare farm in Uchumachi area of the Caranavi region. The land was given to Lucía Mamani and Humberto Vilca by Lucía’s father when Don Mariano gave both of his children (Lucía and her brother David) one hectare each of his six-hectare farm. The extended family work together helping each other with all the farm activities. The Mamani-Vilca family joined Agricafe’s coffee programme Sol de la Mañana in 2014. With the assistance of Sol de la Mañana they have been able to increase both the quality and the quantity of the coffee they produce. The farms have a terrific yield which has increased six-fold since joining the programme. In the last couple of years Lucía and Humberto have stopped processing their own harvest and now deliver freshly picked cherry to Agricafe. This has enabled them to use the harvest time in selecting and picking, going back over the trees repeatedly for the ripest cherries, which in turn has helped increase the quality of the cherry going for processing. Lucía and Humberto are hoping to extend their farm over the next few years and are planning to plant a new plot with the Pacamara variety. This variety does well in Caranavi so it will be interesting to see the results from their new plot in the coming years.